| Psalm 115 |
| Psalm 115 |
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Cha nee dooinyn, O Hiarn, cha nee dooinyn, agh da dt'Ennym cur yn moylley: son dty vyghin ghraihagh, as er coontey dt'ynrickys. |
Not unto us, O Lord, not unto us, but unto thy Name give the praise: for thy loving mercy and for thy truth's sake. |
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Cre'n-fa jir ny ashoonyn-quaagh: Cre'n raad ta nish yn Jee oc? |
Wherefore shall the heathen say: Where is now their God? |
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Er son y Jee ainyn, t'eh ayns niau t'eh er n'yannoo myr s'gooidsave lesh. |
As for our God, he is in heaven: he hath done whatsoever pleased him. |
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Ta ny jallooyn oc argid as airh: eer obbyr laueyn deiney. |
Their idols are silver and gold: even the work of men's hands. |
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Ta beïll oc as cha vel ad loayrt: ta sooillyn oc as cha vel ad fakin. |
They have mouths, and speak not: eyes have they and see not. |
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Ta cleayshyn oc as cha vel ad chlashtyn: ta stroanyn oc as cha vel ad soaral. |
They have ears, and hear not: noses have they, and smell not. |
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Ta laueyn oc as cha vel ad loaghtey, cassyn t'oc as cha vel ad shooyl: chamoo t'ad loayrt trooid nyn scoarnagh. |
They have hands, and handle not; feet have they, and walk not: neither speak they through their throat. |
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T'adsyn ta jannoo ad casley roo: as myr shen t'adsyn ooilley ta cur nyn dreishteil ayndoo. |
They that make them are like unto them: and so are all such as put their trust in them. |
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Agh uss hie Israel, treisht uss ayns y Chiarn: she eshyn nyn gemmyrk: as nyn vendeil. |
But thou, house of Israel, trust thou in the Lord: he is their succour and defence. |
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Shiuish hie Aaron, cur-jee nyn dreishteil ayns y Chiarn: eshyn y fer-coonee as y fendeilagh oc. |
Ye house of Aaron, put your trust in the Lord: he is their helper and defender. |
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Shiuish ta goaill aggle roish y Chiarn. cur-jee nyn dreishteil ayns y Chiarn: eshyn y fer-coonee as y fendeilagh oc. |
Ye that fear the Lord, put your trust in the Lord: he is their helper and defender. |
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Ta'n Chiarn er chooinaghtyn orrin, as bannee eh shin: dy jarroo nee eh thie Israel y vannaghey, nee eh bannaghey thie Aaron. |
The Lord hath been mindful of us, and he shall bless us: even he shall bless the house of Israel, he shall bless the house of Aaron. |
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Nee eh adsyn y vannaghey ta goaill aggle roish y Chiarn: chammah beg as mooar. |
He shall bless them that fear the Lord: both small and great. |
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Nee'n Chiarn shiuish y vishaghey ny smoo as ny smoo: shiuish as nyn gloan. |
The Lord shall increase you more and more: you and your children. |
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Shiuish ta cloan bannit y Chiarn: chroo niau as y thalloo. |
Ye are the blessed of the Lord: who made heaven and earth. |
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Ta ny slane niaughyn lesh y Chiarn: y n thalloo t'eh er choyrt da cloan gheiney. |
All the whole heavens are the Lord's: the earth hath he given to the children of men. |
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Cha vel ny merriu coyrt moylley dhyts, O Hiarn: ny adsyn ooilley ta goll sheese ayns yn oaie. |
The dead praise not thee, O Lord: neither all they that go down into silence. |
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Agh nee shinyn y Chiarn y voylley: veih'n traa shoh magh son dy bragh. Moylley-jee yn Chiarn. |
But we will praise the Lord: from this time forth for evermore. Praise the Lord. |